Sunday 9 November 2014

The Gunpowder Plot


  1. The videos are fine because they tell the story with characters and that makes us imagine things as they happened. Furthermore, it is perfectly understandable, which allows anyone to appreciate the story.

  2. I think that that videos are too easy to understand The Gunpowder Plot. If soldiers had no found Guy Fawkes hidden in the cellar something terrible would have happened. Also I think that the 'Bon fire night is a good idea to remember that day.

  3. The videos are very well because they use a essay vocabulary that helps you to understand better the story.

  4. These videos are very interesting and you can learn a lot abour Gunpower Plot, great idea.
    María Barrero Gutiérrez, 1st Bachillerato Bilingual

  5. This video is very useful to understand The Gunpowder Plot. It's surprising that after so much time, people continue celebrating this day!

  6. If no one had found Guy Fawkes, the history of England would be different. It is a glaring story that shows us how important is to make a good policy that makes people happy. Great post.
    Adrián Isla, 1st Bachillerato Bilingual
